Tag Archives: natural

Are You Prepared for a Natural Disaster?

With the various types of natural disasters that have taken place in recent years, many people have started to realize that they may not be prepared for such events to take place. While no one wants to think it can happen to them, we have all seen the footage of Hurricane Katrina and it was a reality that this type of natural disaster is something that does happen to real people. Even the fires spreading out of control in California remind us of the types of natural […]

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Putting Together a Home Earthquake Kit

If you live in an area prone to seismic activity, it’s vitally important that you have an earthquake kit in your house or in your car so that you’ll have emergency supplies if you need them. Even if you don’t live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, you might want to create a basic disaster survival kit to be used in case of tornados or other types of natural disasters. Ideally, your earthquake kit should contain enough supplies for you and your family to survive […]

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